Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Creating the Best Life for Animals
Temple Grandin thinks about animal welfare from all perspectives. She has designed the audit systems now in place for many slaughterhouses and used by places like McDonald's and Wendy's to ensure their product comes from humane sources, and humane devices to lessen animal trauma or fear in these places. Her top concern, at all times, is the welfare of animals. If we are going raise animals for consumption, companionship or entertainment (aka: farm animals, pets, or zoos) then we should at all points in the process be focused on ensuring that these animals are emotionally and physically in the best state possible.
Her previous book written for the public, Animals in Translation, focused more how language and sensory perception works in animals. It was a good book, but this new book is really groundbreaking, I feel, in being accessible to the public and touching on so many important concepts. My only wish is that she had focused a little more on backyard/small farm chickens, in her chapter on chickens, which focused primarily on larger operations. However, that is just because I have some ;)
Other chapters include Horses, Dogs, Cats, Pigs, Cows, Wild Animals, Zoos, What Do Animals Need, and Why Do I Still Work for the Industry?
So if you need a last minute gift for an animal lover, owner, farmer, lawyer or well, just about anyone, I highly recommend this book!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Earth Lodge Closed Until the 24th - Classes Cancelled
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Blessings & Happy Holidays,
The Team at Earth Lodge
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The December Newsletter from Earth Lodge
Classes and circles at Earth Lodge continue this month, starting with another fantastic Immunity Boosting Clinic with Kathy Lalonde on December 5, this Saturday, from 1-3. Walk-ins are welcome -- come on in and let Kathy strengthen your body's natural defenses using time-tested polarity therapy techniques that harmonize and optimize the glands in your immune system. More details on all our classes are on our website.
May your heart be full of love, and your holidays merry and bright,
The Healers at Earth Lodge
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cellular Healing from the North Wind
For those of you living in the Northern Hemisphere, the North wind is one of your most easily accessed and greatest resources for healing and rejuvenation of the physical body, particularly on a cellular level and for your DNA. The North wind, originating far in the snowy realms of the North Pole, carries with it all the energies and ions of the aurora borealis, which is sent to earth by the healing intent of the Sun. These ions have the ability to pass through clothes and even your body, and activate your DNA to heal your physical body on a cellular level.
When the North wind blows, sand outside and lift your arms over your head, and turning slowly this way and that, and allow yourself to be bathed in its healing energies. This only need be done for one to two minutes to acheive beneficial results, though of course the more often it is done the better you will feel.
For those of you living in the Southern hemisphere, the South wind carries your healing ions. The closer you live to the poles, the more ions you winds carry, and the greater the healing effect of the Wind.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Could Humans Infect Pets With H1N1? [Yes, they can!]
Nov. 6, 2009
Those veterinarians, along with other health experts, are revising their views after an Iowa Department of Public Health announcement Wednesday that the virus has been confirmed in an indoor 13-year-old cat, which likely contracted the illness from two flu-sick humans in its home.
Although all of the victims have since recovered, this latest H1N1 animal case puts the focus on humans as the primary carriers of the illness, which experts don't even want to call "swine" flu anymore.
"We're seeing reverse zoonosis, with the virus jumping from people to animals," Alfonso Torres told Discovery News, explaining that several ferrets have also been infected, resulting in at least one pet ferret death in Nebraska.
"In theory, cats could infect humans, but there is no evidence for that yet," added Torres, former chief veterinary officer of the United States who is now associate dean for public policy at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine.
Torres was "not entirely surprised" by the diagnosis in a cat. He said that until four years ago, no evidence supported that felines could catch viruses from other species.
That changed when several captive tigers and leopards died after consuming chickens infected with avian flu (H5N1). A later study concluded that house cats could also contract avian flu.
While no dog has yet been diagnosed with H1N1, a deadly canine influenza strain has led to outbreaks among dogs since the first reported case in 2004. Canine influenza arose when a horse virus, H3N8, infected a dog.
It is not yet clear why ferrets and cats may be more susceptible to H1N1 flu, but Torres explained that "viruses need receptors" to enable infection of an individual. Sometimes these receptors are located in the throat and nose, while other times they are located more deeply in the lungs.
It could be that the anatomy of pigs and ferrets means that their receptors more closely match those of humans for H1N1. It's possible that cats have similar receptors, but further studies are needed to better understand the virus in felines and how to best treat it.
"The human H1N1 vaccine may or may not work in cats," Torres said. "There are some 60 million cats and only the one reported case, so the risk of other cats becoming infected appears to be low at this point."
Since both the avian and "swine" influenza strains emerged under crowded farming conditions, Torres suspects the growing worldwide demand for meat could be setting the stage for such outbreaks. It's predicted that meat production will increase by 50 to 60 percent by 2020 in response to human population growth and economic changes in developing countries.
However, animals and humans living together in close proximity is only one probable factor that could lead to such outbreaks. Increased travel, more pets, climate change and better diagnostic techniques could also help to explain the rash of interspecies illness, he said.
Michael San Filippo, a spokesperson for the American Veterinary Medical Association, told Discovery News that the cat H1N1 case "provides a good reminder that viruses can pass from humans to animals."
While both he and Torres wonder if the Iowa cat suffered from an underlying health condition that might have compromised its immune system they still advise all pet owners to take precautions if they come down with influenza.
"Avoid direct contact with pets if you have the flu," San Filippo said. "Keep them off of your bed and be sure to cover up coughs and sneezes. Wash your hands regularly."
He concluded: "Pets are members of our families, so exercise the same precautions that you would for other friends and family."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
November Events at Earth Lodge
Shamanic Journey Circle
Immunity Booster Clinics
Course in Miracles
Animal Healing Clinic
Reiki Share
Dream Circle
Native American Drumming Circle
Reiki Certifications & Classes
Shamanic Journey Circle
This circle meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 PM
(10/8) and is led by Maya and Sandra.
Commune with your guardian spirits and power animals,
journey to power places of wisdom and healing, and experience new levels of Spirit.
Shamanic journeys are meditative visualizations, or miniature vision quests,
that allow you to access divine wisdom through your subconscious mind.
At each open circle we drum, journey twice, and share our experiences.
Led by shamanic healer and author Maya Cointreau.
Bring a drum or rattle, pen and paper, something to lie on and an eye mask.
Beginners welcome. $15
Immunity Booster Clinics
Saturday, November 14, 1-3 pm AND
Saturday, December 5, 1-3 pm
These clinics will use the immune booster protocol of Polarity Therapy
to strengthen the body's defenses
against foreign invaders and infections. As the cold and flu
season is upon us, keeping the immune system functioning
at optimum capacity, will keep us healthy and vibrant all year
long. The immune system functioning properly also regulates
our ph and blood sugars, thus keeping the lympathic system
doing it's job in waste removal and the endrocrine system secreting
the hormones neede to regulate sleep, metabolism,blood pressure,
digestion and body temperature. Each session will be done sitting in a chair and can take any where
from ten to fifteen minutes. $25 walk-ins welcome, first come, first serve.
Course in Miracles Circle -- FREE DEMONSTRATIONS
Sandra is conducting free sessions to demonstrate the planned Course in Miracles Circle - contact us to set up your demo.
It will be a two hour session and will include a guided meditation lead by
Sandra that will be very relaxing and will provide insight on the step by step experiential life-changing
Course in Miracles. The meditation will be followed by discussion. Sandra has been through the course three times,
and has spent at least 1000 hours on the Course.
Once we have an full group for the Circle, we will agree on a schedule to meet: The future class times for the Circle will be set by the demonstration participants who want to move forward with the Course.
These first sessions will be free demonstrations. Once the circle officially begins,
there will be a $10 fee per class session.
No materials are needed.
Reiki Share
This community-inspired Reiki Share meets every other Friday from 11am-1pm
and is open to all Reiki practitioners, whether you are a Master or just beginning.
Everyone who comes gives and receives, building their Reiki as well as new friendships.
The share often begins with 2-4 people working on a person on the table for 10 minutes,
then sharing views of what they felt. Then we move on to the next person,
until all at each table have experienced the healing for 10 minutes.
We find the sharing of perceptions provides useful learning
and affirmation on our intuitive physical and ethereal scanning.
Earth Lodge has a table for our use, but as the group grows,
we may need some to bring their tables. For those with tables,
if you could have it in your car, just in case it needed, it would be helpful.
$10 Donation for use of the space, which is regularly cleared,
empowered and blessed by the healers at Earth Lodge.
Drum Circle (FREE)
3rd Wednesday of each month, 6 PM
Bring a drum or a set of rattles if you have one. All Ages. Heartbeat native american style drumming.
Animal Healing Clinic
3rd Saturday of each monthly, 2-4 pm.
People may bring one dog on a leash or one cat or small animal in a crate.
Large Animals must remain in trailers unless otherwise noted.
The time for each session will be a minimum of 10 minutes.
The sessions will each be $10, as these are introductory demonstration sessions by Sandra, Maya and Lisa.
Dream Circle (FREE)
4th Monday of each month, 6 PM
Each participant will bring one dream to share and discuss.
It can be an old dream, if current dreaming is minimum.
In time, dreaming will increase, as one looks forward to the monthly circle and becomes more involved with their dream circle.
Experience with dream circles shows that dreaming becomes richer, more intuitive, more prophetic, and provides more messages from Source,
one’s higher self, and the subconscious. Each participant assesses their own dream’s meanings, with suggestive ideas from the Circle.
Sandra and Maya will lead the circle.
Usui and Karuna Reiki Training & Certifications: I, II, III/Master
Available by appointment. All classes taught by Usui Reiki Master Maya Cointreau or Karuna/Usui Reiki Master Sandra Cointreau
Usui REIKI I: Level One teaches and attunes you to do hands-on healing work. introducing one to the basics of Reiki Healing and all the benefits that can be realized you are a Reiki Practitioner after this first class. Receive four attunements and your first sacred symbol. Experience a guided meditation to your Reiki Healing Guides, and exchange Reiki treatments also. Cost: $150
Usui REIKI II: Level Two teaches you to do distance/absent healing and karmic work. You will receive distance healing attunements and other sacred symbols, and instruction on how to use them. Cost: $150
Usui REIKI III/Master: Level III/Master brings in the final master symbol and attunement, as well as sacred symbols from other Reiki traditions, and teaches you how to pass on Reiki attunements. Cost: $350
Karuna Reiki I: Karuna Reiki is the next step up from being an Usui Reiki Master,
bringing in significantly stronger symbols and healing methods inspired by the
Reiki Masters of Japan and further improved over many years here in America by the International Reiki
Center to raise the vibration of one's healing potential. Students must be certified Usui Reiki Masters with at least 6 months
practice following certification. Registered Karuna Reiki® brings in healing energies that are noticeably stronger and more able to heal a
wide range of challenges. The Level I Practitioner brings in use of 4 new symbols. $300
Karuna Reiki II: Only for Registered Karuna Reiki I® Practioners. Level II brings in use of 4 new symbols. $300.
Karuna Reiki Master: Receive Karuna Reiki Master training. Prerequisite: Karuna Reiki II. Registered Karuna Reiki Master students will be required to sign a code of ethics,
developed by the International Reiki Center and will receive a training manual developed by the Center.
Special training will also be provided on animal healing; and an Earth Lodge Animal Healing Level I Practitioner certificate will be
awarded. $450.
Earth Lodge is very easy to find:
Yellow house with white trim and columns, at intersection of Route 67 and Route 317…also called Church Street at this location, as it is between the three churches of the Roxbury village. House is in center of Roxbury’s historic district. 12 Church Street, Roxbury, CT, 06783
Alternative route access from different directions:
to Rt. 317 through Rt. 64 and Rt. 6 in Woodbury, or
to Rt. 67 through Rt. 172 in South Britain, or
to Rt. 67 through Rt. 133 in Bridgewater, or
to Rt. 67 through 199 in Washington, or
to Rt. 67 through Rt. 7 or Rt. 202 in New Milford.
Please Note: We are not a commercial retail location, and are only "open" by appointment or for scheduled classes, services and events.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Polarity Therapy Open House, October 17
chakra balancing
aura balancing
elemental balancing
peace of mind will radiate out into your everyday life.
(860) 488-9500 www.earthlodgeherbals.com
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Our progress in coping with laminitis - any thoughts to share?
Our new horse's vet records showed that previous laminitis events were brought on by a high fever in 2004 (in which her hoof walls were damaged) and by foaling in 2007 (which resulted in significant foot bone rotation). Vet records also showed a lameness event occured a month before her coming at our farm, cause unknown.
For the first two months in her new home, efforts focused on changing the shoeing to reversed shoes (bar shoes), lowered heels, reduced toes, and removed pads. Isoxaprine, a vasodilator, was given with a light dose of Earth Lodge Hoof Support herbals and biotin.
Progress in the quality of the her hooves and soles was good, but inadequate in dealing with the internal foundering that was occuring. Her pain levels increased. The horse was lying down more than normal, standing stiffly (rather than comfortably grazing) more often, and walking with obvious painfull tenderness.
Clearly a more agressive program was needed.
Radiographs were taken 5 weeks ago. They showed both front feet had rotation that was somewhat worse than the 2007 levels and definitely quite serious. The front feet were hot to touch.
After just a month of special care, radiographs showed one front foot had reduced rotation, while the other front foot was unchanged. Both feet had significant improvement of the sole's callusing, and hoof growth improved. The horse's walking significantly improved, with no lying down to relieve foot pain. The fee have cooled down to normal.
Appetite and bowel movements remained good throughout the therapy.
Our activities:
Meds: isoproxine for vaso dilation...24 per day of 20 mg each; aspirin...8 per day of 325 mg each; pepcid (famotidine) ...4 per day of 10 mg each; divided into a morning and evening dosage dissolved in water, each dose blended with 3 cups of applesauce poured over 1/2 scoope of grain. Supplements: CoQ10...4 tablets of 100 mg each; 3 tablespoons of flax seed oil; 2 scoops of biotin.
Herbals: prickly ash, devils claw, thyme, willow bark, and rosehips added to the Earth Lodge Hoof Support formula that includes calendula, cleavers, kelp, chamomile, hawthorn, nettles, celery seed, meadowsweet, yarrow, cleavers and milk thistle seed....2 handfuls, divided between the morning and evening grain.
Farrier: Removed shoes. Trimmed the hoof wall even with the sole, lowered the heel, cut back the toe, removed any side flaps, kept the horse on soft footing to absorb the load through out the sole and hoof wall.
Submitted by Sandra Cointreau.....Comments welcome.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What is Polarity Therapy?
By Kathy Lalonde
Kathy LaLonde is a Polarity Therapist who has dedicated herself to the research and understanding of good health; Polarity Therapy directs the elemental, energetic and physical systems back into harmony, alignment and stability. A feeling of ease and lightheartedness will be quickly apparent in your body and mind; these are effects balance and symmetry has on the physical system. You will begin to experience a reprieve from stress in your health and overall life when congruity is reestablished.
Monday, September 28, 2009
October at Earth Lodge: Classes & New Products
Are you curious about Polarity Therapy and what its all about? Spend Saturday afternoon at Earth Lodge during this relaxed meet-and-greet, Visit us on October 17th from 2-4 PM at the Polarity Therapy Open House and let Polarity Therapist Kathy Lalonde answer your questions AND receive a free 10-minute session to balance your chakras and elements.
Our Shamanic Circle and Reiki Share continue to meet regularly, and offer rich spiritual learning experiences and healings to those who attend. The next Shamanic Circle is 10/8 and upcoming Reiki Shares are 10/2, 10/16 and 10/30. Our next Animal Healing Clinic, where your pets can benefit from multiple animal healers working on them at once, will be held October 24th.
New this month from the herbalists at Earth Lodge:
Sage Smudge Sticks, $12.00
7-8 inches long and bound with rainbow-hued cotton string, these smudge sticks are made from the healing and protective Sage on the Earth Lodge properties. Sage is protective and dispels negative energy, which helps bless and clear the home. Smudging is easy: hold the stick by the "stick" end, light the rounded leafy end on fire, blow out, and let the smoking embers clear your home and mind, carrying your prayers on the wind. Always let your smudge stick burn on or in a firesafe container or pot. To extinguish, tamp out on a firesafe surface or dip quickly into water. Do not soak. Please note: Although smudging is a safe practice indoors, it is not for recommended in barns or hay-storage areas.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Smudge, Sachet, Smudge, Sachet: Two New Products for Your Home
Lavender and Herbal Sachets, $4.50
These fresh smelling sachets are approximately 3.5 x 3.5", and made right here at Earth Lodge using one of two herbal combinations. Choose from Pure Lavender Flowers with just a tiny hint of Star Anise to place in your pillow at night and stimulate dreaming or put in your dryer and freshen your laundry (dark purple or blue flowered fabric, our choice); Or choose a more lively medley of Dried Orange Peel and Lavender Flowers accented with two Star Anise pods, perfect for scenting the closets of any man or woman (purple/green gingham or yellow and purple flowers, our choice).
12-14 inches long and bound with rainbow-hued cotton string, these fabulous smudge sticks are made from the Lemon Balm on the Earth Lodge properties. Lemon Balm has a smooth, uplifting scent that clears the chakras, blesses the home, and harmonizes energies. Smudging is easy: hold th estick by the "stick" end, light the rounded leafy end on fire, blow out, and let the smoking embers clear your home and mind, carrying your prayers on the wind. Always let your smudge stick burn on or in a firesafe container or pot. To extinguish, tamp out on a firesafe surface or dip quickly into water. Do not soak. Please note: Although smudging is a safe practice indoors, it is not for recommended in barns or hay-storage areas.
Order today at www.earthlodgeherbals.com/smudge.htm
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fall Classes, Clinics & Events at Earth Lodge
This circle meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 PM (9/10, 10/8) and is led by Maya and Sandra.
Course in Miracles Circle -- FREE DEMONSTRATIONS
Sandra is conducting free sessions to demonstrate the planned Course in Miracles Circle - contact us to set up your demo. It will be a two hour session and will include a guided meditation lead by Sandra that will be very relaxing and will provide insight on the step by step experiential life-changing Course in Miracles. The meditation will be followed by discussion. Sandra has been through the course three times, and has spent at least 1000 hours on the Course.Once we have an full group for the Circle, we will agree on a schedule to meet: The future class times for the Circle will be set by the demonstration participants who want to move forward with the Course. These first sessions will be free demonstrations. Once the circle officially begins, there will be a $10 fee per class session. No materials are needed.
Reiki Share
Drum Circle
Dream Circle
Polarity Therapy Open House
Karuna Reiki II: Only for Registered Karuna Reiki I® Practioners. Level II brings in use of 4 new symbols. $300.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Viral Buzz
Everywhere you go these days, you are no doubt hearing alot about the flu, and "the vaccine" for the Novel Flu.
"Should we get it? Should little baby K get it? Should grandma get it?"
People are calling their doctors and getting frustrated and angry that they if they can't get it. One mother I know is switching doctors because the doctor suggested that her baby will be fine, as long as she doesn't let anyone touch or lean over the stroller when she is out shopping.
But here's the thing. There currently IS no vaccine for the Novel H1N1 Flu. Not yet. The CDC website is very clear about that. Companies are working on it, and it "may" be ready in the fall. And once it exists, it won't be available until after a month or so of the minimum required testing, to make sure it at least doesn't kill people outright (so testing for long-term effects, or effects on babies in utero.) All flus, including the novel strain people are so worried about, is spread primarily through direct contact with an infected surface, sneezing and coughing. My friend's baby in the stroller will indeed be quite safe if she remains in her stroller, especially if mom throws a sheer scarf over it to discourage strangers from peering in at her baby.
And here's another thing. In its current mutation, the "novel flu" virus is no more serious that your regular flu. Medical language is scary to lay-people, but the fact is that this pandemic is not something to be terrified of. This is, frankly, one of the nicest pandemics we could get. It doesn't kill any more people than the regular flu does, and my OB and pediatrician both agree that they are not seeing anything in the material they gets from the CDC or WHO to recommend that their patients get the vaccine for the novel flu if they aren't also planning on getting one for the regular flu. The recommendations for all flus, novel and not, are the same at this time.
The CDCs biggest recommendation is that we all wash our hands more. Personally, this fall and winter I will wear my gloves all the time to enter places like schools and malls, and I won't then wipe my gloves on my face. If I know someone is sick, I will try not to see that person, even for several days after they are well.
Now, with my 3 year old son starting a Pre-K program at our local elementary school, you can bet that I just went out bought some hand sanitizer and will be using it every day when I put him in the car to pick him from school. Yes, this is coming from someone who rarely uses anti-bacterial soap, and washes her dishes with regular soap and warm water by hand. The fact is that schools are breeding grounds for ALL viral infections, and when I ran a health center for five years, it was the parents of school-age kids who got sick the most often. I personally would like to avoid that. I rarely got sick as a kid, and that continues as an adult, but still: I recognize that sometimes a little extra care is all that is needed. Baths for kids right after school, instead of at night-time, are not a bad idea either. Wash your hands before you cook or eat, and make sure your kids do, too.
The best things I believe I can invest in are basic health supplements for the family, and the best nutrition at meals. Think preventative care. Zinc, selenium and vitamin C in the diet all help the immune system stay strong, as do B vitamins and good nutrition in general. School age kids can benefit from a daily chewable vitamin, as well as some extra vitamin C during cold season. A chewable C with extra zinc can help knock out colds in their early stages. And when all else fails, I always have very good results from Hyland's cold formulas (especially "sniffles & sneezes for kids" and their cough syrup) and Olbas cough syrup. We have also formulated a special supreme anti-viral extract formula to knock out respiratory flus and other viruses, fast.
Well. That is enough on that topic! As a mother, of course it has been on my mind. Even more so since I am pregnant, and the media is really going out of their way to strike fear into my preggo heart. "There is nothing to fear, except fear itself." A little common sense and extra hygeine can go a long a way during cold & flu season.
Friday, August 28, 2009
New Litter of Standard Poodle Puppies at Stoney Brook Farm
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August Events and Ongoing Classes at Earth Lodge

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Our Healing Services
The Earth Lodge Healing Center features healing modalities for people and animals alike.
Experience Reiki, Polarity Therapy, Shamanic Energy Healings in our Reiki Room or bring your animals in for our monthly energy healing clinics (animal clinics beginning 07/09). Join our bi-weekly Reiki Share every other Friday at 11 am. Workshops, drum circles, shamanic circles, and dream circles are all part of our offerings, which are all listed below. Call today for more information (860 237 8801).
Reiki Session (45 Minutes)$65 Experience Reiki Healing with our certified Reiki Masters, Sandra Cointreau, Maya Cointreau and Lisa Shab. Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing technique that promotes stress reduction and relaxation. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Shamanic Healing (1-2 Hours)$125 Maya Cointreau and Sandra Cointreau have been practicing contemporary shamans for 15 years, and are both Reiki Masters. Shamanic healing couples shamanic journeywork practices with Reiki and other energy healing techniques. During their healing work they work with a pantheon of guides, including Spirit Animals, Goddesses, Archangels, Nature Spirits, Ancestors, and other non-physical entities working with the light. Shamanic healings focus primarily upon bringing the soul and divine energy matrix of the spirit body into balance, which in turn balances and benfit the physical body. This kind of energy work is particularly well-suited for healing emotional trauma, through a practice called "soul retrieval" that re-integrates fragments of the soul which are sometimes lost during a traumatic experience. This, in turn, allows the soul a fully harmonized earth experience, and helps remove fear and sorrow from the emotional body.
Tarot Reading $30 Maya has been reading tarot for 23 years with a variety of decks. She is skilled at allowing the answers to your questions flow straight from Source to you through her readings in a straightforward manner. She is also available for bookings at public events. Private readings generally take 20-30 minutes.
Palm Reading$80 Sandra has been reading palms for 30 years in both the eastern and western traditions. Her readings last about an hour and delve into all aspects of your hand, palm and digits -- telling you what gifts you came into life with, what you have done with them, and where you are heading.
Polarity Therapy$90 initial visit$75 follow-up Kathy Lalonde is a Polarity Therapist helping the body to work with optimum effeciency on all levels, returning the balance of yin and yang, removing excess unbalanced energy, aligning the chakras and healing dysfunctional patterns. Polarity Therapy is a gentle, holistic method of treatment, applicable to many health problems and also useful in maintaining health. Central to Polarity Therapy is the concept of a life energy, which is in constant pulsation from positive to negative poles via a neutral position, creating fields and energetic lines of force. Disease is a process which occurs when the life energy is blocked or out of balance. It could be said that there is only one disease, that of disturbance of the energetic system, with different outcomes depending on the nature of the disturbance, and where it occurs. To overcome these problems Polarity therapy uses a system of gentle bodywork supported by a specific set of exercises (Polarity Yoga), advice on diet and nutrition, and counseling. It is this energetic approach which differentiates Polarity Therapy from many other forms of bodywork. Some techniques are derived from Osteopathy and Chiropractic, but use minimal mechanical force, relying instead on the life energy to do the work. It differs from Shiatsu and Acupuncture in the energy theory used, Polarity therapy owing more to the Indian Ayurvedic system and working closely with the 5 elements.
Animal Reiki$45 (Small Animal)$80 (Large Animal) $125 (Large Animal, Home Visit) Reiki is a wonderful form of healing for animals large and small, who always enjoy its gentle energy and are receptive and open to the act of healing. Bring in your animals for a healing or schedule a Home Visit for your larger animals.
Home & Property Clearings$150 initial visit$50 follow-up (if needed) Kathy heads our mobile team of house "cleaners", ready to rid your home or property of negative entities or energies. We work with the elements and our own spirit guides and helpful spiritual "cleaners" to realign ley lines and grid patterns around and under your home, and help any present spirits or out-of-place beings move on to the next realm. This sort of work can be particularly helpful in moving stuck, stagnant energy from a property and help with property sales, or just help create the peaceful energy you've been longing for in your home.
Lymphatic Drainage$90 Kathy is skilled at lymphatic drainage using a gentle hands-on technique to massage, activate and clear your lymphatic system of toxins and debris. This enables your immune system to work at an optimal level, and encourages proper detoxification in the body.
Channeled Psychic Readings$20-80Eden is a group of non-physical angelic beings, spirit guides and higher selves with out physical incarnations at the present time on Earth who are dedicated to helping elevate mass consiousness through their connection to Source Energy and Information. They are channeled in writing by Maya, and are happy to answer any and all questions. Ask one specific question for $20, or ask multiple questions and receive a comprehensive reading for $80. To receive a reading from Eden visit http://www.edenisnow.com/.
Aura Energy Reading & Drawing$75 Rachel Andrews is an inspired medium and artist who can see, draw and read energy patterns. Her aura readings can focus on your current aura, your birth aura, or the energetic pattern and aura of any situation. Receive insight into energy that surrounds you and walk away with some beautiful drawings!