Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Cinema and Circles at Earth Lodge

Summer is busy at Earth Lodge!

We have baby animals to tend to, herbs to grow, and essences to make.

To give us all a little more time to bask in the joys of summer, Dream Group & Drumming Circle are on hiatus until September.


Crystalline Club, Monday, 7/12
Shamanic Journey Circle, Thursday, 7/8
Reiki Share, Friday, 7/2, 7/16, 7/30
Spiritual Cinema Night: The Secret (Original Version with Esther Hicks) , 7/16
Usui & Karun Reiki Certifications, Call to Schedule


Crystalline Club, Monday 8/2
Shamanic Journey Circle, Thursday, 8/12
Reiki Share, Friday, 8/13, 8/27
Usui & Karuna Reiki Certifications, Call to Schedule

Cinema Spirit Night : The Secret, o.v. with Esther HicksJuly 16, Friday Night, 7 o’clock screening with discussion to followScreening Fee: $5

Cinema Spirit Night is designed to introduce you to movies with soul. Come relax, eat popcorn and enjoy refreshing herbal teas while you sit back and enjoy spiritual cinema with like-minded peers in a cozy home setting. After the movie stay and discuss the message of the movie, or feel free to quietly go home and ponder on your own or with family. Space is limited, so please do call or email and let us know if you plan to come.  Feel free to bring additional snacks or comfy blankets, etc :)

This month’s movie is the original version of The Secret, packed full of extra channelings and information from Esther Hicks and Abraham about the Law of Attraction and how to manifest the life you are wanting.

This version is much harder to come by, and a real treat. Don’t miss it!

For more information about any of our events or classes, visit or give us a call (860) 237 8801