The Crystalline Club
1st Monday of each month, 6 - 8 PM
(9/13, 10/4)
Each month’s Crystalline Club brings a new experience and shifts your reality to a different level. We have a guided meditation to show you how to “speak” with your stone’s inner spirit, you will receive a new mineral to work with and enjoy, and we’ll talk about our experiences with the previous month’s stone, what happened over the month and discuss how it worked with us. Stones will tend to be the more rare and unusual gemstones, crystals and minerals that most people haven’t heard of or worked with. Some stones that we have worked with include Eudialyte, Epidote, Fire Agate, Larimar and Alexandrite. Pre-registration is required so that we can have a stone available for you. Club fee: $25 (includes stone)
Please note: if you would like to work with the stones but can not attend our meetings, just let us know and we will have the stone and that month’s handouts available for you for $15. Or wait a month, and work with the stone as a crystal essence, available for sale on our website
Shamanic Journey Circle
This circle meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 PM
(9/9, 10/14) and is led by shamanic energy healer and author Maya Cointreau. Commune with your guardian spirits and power animals, journey to power places of wisdom and healing, and experience new levels of Spirit. Shamanic journeys are meditative visualizations, or miniature vision quests, that allow you to access divine wisdom through your subconscious mind. At each open circle we drum, journey twice, and share our experiences. Bring a drum or rattle, pen and paper, something to lie on and an eye mask. Beginners welcome. $15
Reiki Share
9/10, 9/24, 9/25, 10/8, 10/22, 10/30
This community-inspired Reiki Share meets every other Friday from 11am-1pm, and on the last Saturday of each month from 11am-1pm. It is open to all Reiki practitioners, whether you are a Master or just beginning. Everyone who comes gives and receives, building their Reiki as well as new friendships. The share often begins with 2-4 people working on a person on the table for at least 10 minutes, then sharing views of what they felt. Then we move on to the next person, until all at each table have experienced the healing for 10 minutes. We find the sharing of perceptions provides useful learning and affirmation on our intuitive physical and ethereal scanning. $10 Donation for use of the space, which is regularly cleared, empowered and blessed by the healers at Earth Lodge.
Drum Circle (FREE)
9/23, 10/22
Drum Circle is back! Sandra’s dogs had 14 puppies this summer (see them at, and all are healthy and well, making her ready and looking forward to leading drum circle once again. Come join us for some Native American-style drumming next month — drumming is free for all ages! Upcoming drum circles for 2010 will be held on or near the full moon at 7pm.
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